on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Our Christmas

Now that it's a month later, I will post our Christmas pictures. We celebrated Christmas on Dec. 27th so that Dave & Carissa could be with us. This was a very special Christmas for me even though we had to squeeze it into the wedding preparations, because everyone was there including Jason!
This is Christmas breakfast. Jason joined us later.
We had sticky buns & breakfast casserole. Dave did the reading of the
Christmas story from Luke.

John is doing the traditional placing
of the baby Jesus in the manger.

Opening gifts.

Now back to wedding prepping.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Since the New Year, I have been praying for our church services during Thursday night youth. I have been asking God to break down barriers especially for the altar. And for the past 3 Sundays, God in His tender mercies has done that. The altar has been full! Youth on Thursday nights have been experiencing great times at the altar too! And today was absolutely amazing! Before service, while I was asking the Lord for yet another great service, I saw a vision of people streaming down to the altar. There were 2 altar calls made & both times they were full!!! Pastor Bill never got to his message. He was willing to move aside to let the Holy Spirit do His work. I saw people standing, kneeling, & on their faces. God is so good! Wow!

Father, may You use any feeble effort on my part to bring in Your sheep & to encourage those who call You by name, Lord. May I be quick to obey Your calling where ever You may lead. Thank You, my precious King!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Christmas at Grandma Kregenow's

Even though we didn't celebrate Christmas on Christmas day, we did enjoy it at grandma's that day. It was a good time of family & friends!
John enjoying the goodies.
Looks like Aunt Jacque is singing!
Andrew is hiding.
A holiday smooch!Little Andrew opening his gift.Putting it together.
A beautiful table!Who did what?Playing fish with Andrew.
Everyone had a good time!

Then we went looking at Christmas lights.
Some people go all out!
Now this is the reason for the season!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Christmas Eve service

Now that my computer is back, I have to catch up on all the pictures for Christmas. I thought that I would break it up into a blog for each event. It may take the week to get these pictures posted though.

The next event after the trip into Pittsburgh was the candle light service at church. It was truly a candle light service because the church had no electricity that evening, so coats stayed on & a few people had candle flash lights until we lit the candles.The reason these guys are lit up is because of the flash on my camera.I took pictures of the church later, so that you could see it decorated for Christmas. It was beautiful! The white poinsettias are from the wedding.The church was so pretty!

Christmas lights

After service we drove around to see the Christmas lights. We drove around Washington. There are some really pretty areas that were all decked out in lights. This is for you, John.

This is the building at Washington & Jefferson College that Sarah & John had their pre-wedding pictures taken.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


We have gotten our computer back! Now I need my camera back to get you all the pictures from the wedding. I went through major withdrawals not having my computer. Something had happened to the mother board, so they gave us another one. Actually he had to rebuild my computer. So much of my stuff was affected when that malfunctioned. The boys completely lost their user accounts which was almost everything they had. Not many of my pictures transfered nor my documents. I'm glad that I backed all my pictures onto CDs! But I should have heeded my son's advice to get an external hard drive to store my stuff on. I hadn't yet & now just about everything is gone! So my warning to you is back it up apart from your existing computer! But I am so glad to be able to talk you all again! I am going to have to load everything back up onto this computer. Once I do, I'll post pictures - I promise!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Dan!

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year!!!!
And I want to wish Dan a Happy Birthday!!!
WOW - 16 years old! I can't believe it!
He was the 1st baby born in St. Clair Hospital that year & got his picture in the paper. And now it's 16 years later.

I wanted to ask for everyone's patience until we get our computer back from the shop. When we do, I will post pictures of Sarah's wedding.