on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Monday, January 21, 2008

Christmas Eve service

Now that my computer is back, I have to catch up on all the pictures for Christmas. I thought that I would break it up into a blog for each event. It may take the week to get these pictures posted though.

The next event after the trip into Pittsburgh was the candle light service at church. It was truly a candle light service because the church had no electricity that evening, so coats stayed on & a few people had candle flash lights until we lit the candles.The reason these guys are lit up is because of the flash on my camera.I took pictures of the church later, so that you could see it decorated for Christmas. It was beautiful! The white poinsettias are from the wedding.The church was so pretty!


Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Christmas time is so pretty. The church was decorated beautifully.

Anonymous said...

the church was such a beautiful setting for the wedding. what a wonderful memory and your pictures of the church are really good.-vicki

Anonymous said...

p.s. the song "dancing generation" thats playing on your blog -we just sang that last sunday in church-cool!! makes me want to dance while Im looking at your pictures!!-vicki

Debbie said...

Me too! In fact sometimes I do!

Anonymous said...