on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Christmas at Grandma Kregenow's

Even though we didn't celebrate Christmas on Christmas day, we did enjoy it at grandma's that day. It was a good time of family & friends!
John enjoying the goodies.
Looks like Aunt Jacque is singing!
Andrew is hiding.
A holiday smooch!Little Andrew opening his gift.Putting it together.
A beautiful table!Who did what?Playing fish with Andrew.
Everyone had a good time!

Then we went looking at Christmas lights.
Some people go all out!
Now this is the reason for the season!


Nicky said...

looks like you all had fun.

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

I love-a ya pictya's.

Anonymous said...

that looked like you had a wonderful time-and the lights were so pretty- I liked the nativity-i love christmas!!-vicki

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting me on the internet for ALL the world to see wide mouthed and all! I don't remember signing a release form for you to do so! Stinker!!!!!