on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Monday, August 31, 2009


We woke up to beautiful weather for the beach. So to the beach we went. So here are some pictures of our time there that day.

It was such a nice relaxing day. It was good to see & visit with the family again!


After awhile we headed back for lunch. Then we hit the pool, peanut pool that is (named after it's shape) which was right below our unit. Some family we hadn't seen yet began to gather there.
Yep they are all my family!

This is my Dad cousin Eugene & his lovely wife, Betty & their daughter Grace.

This is my cousin, James, & his wonderful wife, Lisa, & their daughter, Anna.

Some of the kids gathered for a picture.

Ah oh, someone is about to be dunked!

Cold ladies!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

that water still looks refreshing -I want to jump in!