on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

I had a very blessed day! We had a powerful service this morning. The Holy Spirit visited us today in an amazing way. I thought that since it was Mother's Day that it would be a normal service, but boy did God prove me wrong! It started with a great worship service. I usually can tell when the pastor's son, Danny, leads worship the Holy Spirit will manifest Himself, & today He did in a real way! Danny has such a tender heart towards the Lord. He made an altar call for those that needed healing. So I went forward & knelt down. Soon many followed. Then Jim Kotow, who has a healing ministry came up & began to pray for people. Then he had words for people too. It was neat to see him in action again! He was definitely moving in the Spirit. Well, Pastor Bill never got to the sermon! It was the best Mother's Day service I've ever been to!

When we got home, my husband made me a steak dinner with all the trimmings. Both Sarah, & Dave & Carissa called & wished me a happy Mother's Day. It was actually a beautiful day out as well, so my hubby & I went out for a Sunday drive in the country. Then we enjoyed some down time together. What a great day it was!!!