on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jesus is Coming soooo soon!

In the 1990s sometime, I heard Jack Hayford share a vision God gave him. Jack Hayford has had very powerful things happen in his church & he is an amazing man of God. He was preaching about how close we were to the coming of the Lord. He shared how God showed him in a vision Jesus ever so slowly rising from His Throne to get His bride. As He was rising to stand, the folds in His robe straightened out with the anointing oil flowing from those folds down to earth. I believe Pastor Hayford told his congregation that there would be one last outpouring before Jesus came. And that time was then.

Somewhere between 2005 - 2007, either at a prayer retreat or at one of the "Secret Place" services that my old church used to have, the Lord gave me a vision. I looked up into heaven & saw Jesus at the door of heaven sitting on His stallion. His horse was agitated, pacing back & forth. They both were waiting for the command to go.

Tonight my boys told me that Brent (their youth pastor) told them of a visitation. A good friend of his told him that an older lady friend had related a story that happened to her recently. She told him that as she was driving home, she saw a hitch hiker. Normally she wouldn't pick up such an individual, but she felt compelled by God to go ahead & pick him up. As the man got seated he told her, "His lips are on the trumpet!" She asked, "What did you say?" Again he said, "His lips are on the trumpet!" & with that he disappeared! Concerned, she went to the nearest police station & related the story to the officer there. He then proceeded to tell her that she was the 6th person to report that same sighting!!!!

Everyday, almost every hour, end time prophecy is being fulfilled. I feel like I am reading the Bible as I open my newspaper each day. I know we are so incredibly close to the returning of our Lord!!! What are we going to do with the short time we have left?


Jacque said...

WOW!! I highly anticipate the return of Christ!! My friend Minister Millie Thomas (The leader of the women's prayer group I go to every Thursday) told us that she remembered a dream she had, she said she never remembers her dreams, that we were all walking and going into a crowd against the flow and all we were saying to everyone is "Are you ready?" and that now she has the urgency to ask everyone she meets that question. "Are you ready?"

Jacque said...

Please don't be upset, but i am copying and pasting this onto my blog!

Vicki said...

that is really neat! I heart is for all those who dont have a right relationship yet :(