on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where was I September 11th, 2001?

In was a beautiful morning, gorgeous weather about like it was today, clear as a bell outside. We had taken my boys down to hike for the day at Swallow Falls State Park in Maryland. We love hiking that park. Sarah was at Pensacola Christian College in her junior year, I believe. We had already hiked around Muddy Creek Falls & had eaten a late lunch. Now we were on our way down to the main falls when a couple stopped us & asked if we had heard about the planes that flew into buildings in New York City. We told them that we hadn't, but at that point that it wasn't known as an act of terrorism.

On our way home, it was dead silent in the car as we all listened to the radio's account of what happened. We kept looking up at the clear silent sky. It was so eerie not seeing a single plane in the air. At that point, they had thought that another plane had gone down in PA somewhere, & another in OH. Later the one in Ohio was discounted, but the one that went down in PA was close to Pittsburgh. Well, as it turned out in was in Somerset County.

We got home & immediately turned on the TV & sat in horror at what we were seeing. We checked our phone messages & had numerous calls from our daughter trying to get a hold of us, because she had heard about the plane that had gone down near Pittsburgh. It took us a while to reach her, because the lines were so jammed. We did finally, by then she had heard where the true location of the crash was. It all seemed surreal. Of course my 1st thought was, "Is this the beginning of the end, Lord?" I really felt & still do that God's hand of judgment was trying to wake the US up. The safety net that God provided our country was lifting.

I was appalled at our President's response. Instead of calling a day of repenting, fasting & prayer, he told the enemy that we can't be taken down so easily, that we are a strong country. And now 9 years later, we are worse than we were then. It changed us. There was a definite paradigm shift that day. God was waiting to see how we would respond & shamefully we puffed out our chests, got out our flags, & thumbed the enemy. But what was happening in the heavenlies? God saw our pride & the veil that began to cover our eyes. I'm sure He sat back in amazement at our audacity, & I'm sure He was sadden by our choice. Forgive us Lord for our arrogance, our head-in-the-sand attitude! You told us if we would humble ourselves & pray & seek Your face . . . we need You . . . Lord, please send revival!!!

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