on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Love Springtime!

I absolutely love Spring!  It's my most favorite time of the year.  I love watching the world come awake again as leaves begin to emerge, flower blossom show their beautiful array, the day lengthens and begins to warm up, and the birds begin to sing their songs of praise!  The pond comes alive with music as the spring peepers begin their choruses. Each week holds more surprises of new life taking place.  It's wonderful to see baby calves, lambs, and foals dot in the fields once again. 

How wonderful to wake up with the sun instead of waiting for its arrival in the day. Each week we notice how much later the sun remains in the sky before going to bed for the night.  These are the times we are blessed with all kinds of activities that the heavens display.  Whether its an approaching storm, a rainbow after the rain, or a glowing sunset, Spring is the time of year that God displays His majesty.

Each week brings new blossoms that bloom and the fragrance fills the air with wonderful aromas!  This is the time to bring out the camera to catch all festivities as they come. I so enjoy bringing in each cut bouquet. They are a lovely feast for the eyes!

A drive in the countryside reveals striped farmland getting ready to plant for fall harvest.  The smell of freshly turned soil is exhilarating knowing another growing season is on its way. Along with the turned soil comes the fragrant aroma of freshly cut grass as the new cutting season begins.

Gardens begins to yield their line of goodies. It's fun to watch as each thing peeks its head out from the soil.  First pickings out of my garden is the spinach that sat dormant all winter.  Then the rhubarb contends with the asparagus for second place.  Then somewhere along the line comes the luscious strawberries.  This year is the 1st pickings of this new crop, because they had to establish last year.

The Spring mornings bring its own set of occurrences. If it's been a cold night you might find frost still lingering from winter. Or maybe an early morning fog covers the valleys with jewels of dew glistening atop of the grass. Sunrises have always been a wonderment for me to see. They can sometimes tell you what kind of day you will have. The days usually start out crisp, warming up as the sun rises, then cool back down for the evening.

After a long winter, it feels so good to see life return, its a promise of many months of  warmth and greenery.  We are blessed to live in an area where we get all the seasons in equal proportions over the year.  I enjoy the blessings of each one, but my favorite is still Spring.


Jacque said...

You know I have never wanted Spring to come so bad as I have these last 2 years! After the really intense winters we have had 2 years ago with the blizzard & this past with the rain & ice! All I can say is COME ON SPRING!! Come on with the vibrant colors & flowers & trees blossoming!!

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

I love spring. Perfect temperatures! We too have been noticing the day light is lasting longer.

Vicki said...

I love Spring too-the pastels and greens are just so welcome after winter. Its like everything is waking up again to come in a newness of life and is looking forward to a burst of celebration and energy before it settles down again in the fall for a long rest. Im so glad the rest is only 4 months out of the year and with every season I am ready to embrace it. Loving Spring-I love how the birds wake me up in the morning and how the new ducklings arrive and waddle behind the mother duck. Even the robins eggs are such a pretty blue. Love the long daylight hours. Even though I wish the colors lasted longer- God is such an amazing artist and I am a most appreciative spectator!