on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bring the Rain

I was reading the latest post on my niece's blog and in it was a link to a link. It is the final link that has me up until 1:15 in the morning reading. It's an incredible story of a mother (the wife of Todd Smith from the group Selah) who is pregnant with a sweet little baby that will not survive once she's born. She is being used of God most definitely to share her pain, joys, & amazing lessons from her wonderful Lord. In one post was a prophecy given to her by her 3 yr old (I think) daughter. The wisdom she has for being such a young Christian & young mother is profound. With every post I read, I just sit back & say, "Wow!" God has gifted her in the art of story-telling, & using it to be glorified. Please, when you get a chance, take time to read her story from the beginning on through & sit back & be amazed by the hand of God.

You can find her diary of her pregnancy with Audrey Caroline, as wells as pictures, @ http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com . It's entitled "Bring the Rain" & the story starts when you click on the link at the left-hand side bar.

Thanks Jordan!

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