on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas Season

I am sorry that I haven't kept up on this blog & I'm so far behind with what is going on in our lives. Let me catch you up to speed for the Kregenow Klan:

Christmas season seemed to fly by! December started with our church's 25th anniversary. They had a catered dinner for the event! It was good to see old friends again! Some came in from out of town for this occasion.

Unfortunately my pictures came out pretty bad. Here are a few that did come out though.

Duane Bobeck came from Columbus, OH. He sat at my table. It was good catching up.
Many were there including Jimmy Inks, Dan & Sandy Mayak, & Elaine Simpson came in from Arizona.

After the dinner, there was a service of remembrance. It was a wonderful time!


Jacque said...

Looks like a nice dinner and service, nice ambiance!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a wonderful night. I remember some of those people. What a blessing to be able to stay in touch with friends for so long!-vicki

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

What a lovely way to spend the evening. So cozy and fun.

amoetspes said...

Awww. I wish I could have been there.