on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We Are All Different

On my way to teach Bible study this evening, I was determined to make the most of this one no matter how many came to the study.  And true to my sense, there was just 3 of us. I had prayed, "Lord, You died for the many, but You also died for the 1."  We were just going over homework tonight, so I figured I wouldn't have many.  Toward the end of the Beth Moore series, her homework take quite a bit of time, so we devote a lesson time for that.  It was also Valentine's Day so I figured the numbers would be down.  

The 2 I  had tonight are the 2 that always do their homework ahead of time & they are my regulars.  And because we were a smaller group tonight, my quiet one once again felt  that she could speak.  She asked a question that lead to a discussion about the idea of going to church.  She has a hard time feeling like she fits in in the churches she's been to.  She is quiet so I think she has a harder time allowing herself to be comfortable in a church setting if there is no one else her age there.

I think it's so important as the body of Christ to make a person feel welcomed when they step into the doors of our churches, get to know their names, & check up on them once they go out the door.  A lot of churches do well with the welcoming part, but then quickly forget them once it's over.  And sometimes it takes time for them to acclimate to their new surroundings, others have no problem just fitting right in.   You want to make them feel like they matter & that you care.

I was so glad she spoke up about her true feelings.  We have decided to check out some new churches for her to see if she will feel comfortable in the ones close by.  Since she is looking for young adults her age, that will weigh heavy on that decision.  I have come to learn that not everyone worships the Lord the same way.  I love that Lord makes us all different, & worship Him differently!  I can't wait to see what God brings of this!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

We have soooo far to come as a church in the follow up. I struggled at our new church and I have been at churches all my life. Until people walk in our shoes, and alot of people dont(they might have different issues)it is hard for them to get a burden for that. Lots of churches do have follow up ministries but as a body to take that on ourselves that is the challenge. Good word.