on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June Flowers so far

A good June rain, we needed it so much & God provided.

These are Aztec Lilies that Pastor Mike gave me. Aren't they beautiful!

The many views of our roses which are now in full bloom.
These were taken after it had rained.

A bee after enjoying the nectar it feasted on.

Here they are with the yellow yarrow.

This is the arrangement Scott put together in our back porch crock.

This is our red yarrow. Sometimes its orangy in color, but this year its seems to be quite red.

Honeysuckle is so fragrant right now. I love its beautiful flower.
As I was hunting pictures, I caught this view of the barn.

The raspberry bushes are in bloom!

The sun coming though the cupelo of our garage.


Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Awww beautiful! We will be up there in about...3 weeks?

Debbie said...
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Anonymous said...

I like the way the sun silhouetted
the angel on the weather vane.

Anonymous said...

you are such a great photographer! I love your pictures. I guess it is your turn to be the picture taker in the family.-vicki