on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Is it January?

I can't believe how cold is has been during this month! Last night it was suppose to dipped down to 16! I feel like its January instead. We even got 2 inches of snow yesterday. When it got dark, it all froze causing many accidents in the area. Scott said that on his way to work last night that they were pulling someone out of the woods. :( Lord, God Almighty, please be with those people & their families! Route 70 was backed up for miles as well. No one was going even the speed limit. This is not the weather we're used to in November. At any rate the snow is beautiful, & I thought that I would show you how Bentleyville looks right now.

Yesterday it was blowing so hard, you couldn't stay warm in the house. And you definitely didn't want to go out! We had several white-outs during the day.

But all that left pretty results!

This was taken this morning.

Do you think that we can hope for an early spring?!


Jacque said...

White outs for sure! It was that way here in Donora and all over the valley too! I think it might be a sign that winter is here to stay! In my opinion it can go back to where it came from. I slipped on the ice and almost fell down last night going to my car after ladies fellowship! Black ice was everywhere! Not fun to drive in either!

Anonymous said...

so much for global warming!-vicki It looks beautiful.