on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Labor Day picnic at the Day's

The boys were at Fall Camp, & Scott was at work, so I slipped over to the Day's for their annual Labor Day picnic for a few hours. As usual Bill's flowers were gorgeous!
Some of the pictures did not come out too well. I appologize for the ones that are blurry.

They have 3 ponds, but only 2 had water in them. We usually walk around the bottom one.

Look what I found! Jim Shrader with his grandson,
Bill, & Ricky.

It was good to fellowship with friendship, especially ones I hadn't seen for awhile & catch up on news.

I enjoyed my time there. It doesn't ever seem like enough time to get to everyone though. It's hard to believe that this was the ending of another summer!


Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Looks like a good time with good people.

Anonymous said...

I remember their house. I think we were up there one memorial day a long time ago. They have such a nice place. Its a perfect setting for a get together. Looks like everyone had a great time.-vicki