on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Friday, December 21, 2007

Our Egypt Trip

Our Egypt was a real education, one I soon won't forget! Here are just a few pictures I took while we were there. We flew Egypt Air, a wonderful airline. We so enjoyed our flight! On the evening that we arrived, John took us to Sarah's school to join them in a Christmas party & program, but my pictures didn't come out for those. Sarah took us on a tour of her school.
Afterward, we went over to John's parents for dinner. We got to try real Egyptian dish, which was real good! They tried their hand at teaching us a few Arabic phrases to no avail. We had a great time of fun & fellowship while John & Sarah translated for us. The next evening, John's parents gave a party which turn out to be kinda like our equivalent to a wedding reception, but less formal. They had a cake cutting ceremony.
And lots of good food! I wanted to try everything, but my belly could not hold it all. We got to meet a lot of family & friends.Here are some shots I took of our travels through Cairo & the surrounding areas. This is one of many canals that run through Egypt. You can see the trash along the water's edge.This is a common sight in Cairo. Donkeys pulling carts were found making their way through traffic all the time. I just sat amazed! These are generally farmers trying to make a meager living. It is not uncommon to see whole families riding on a small scooter making their way through town. This guy is taking bags of cement to market. Notice it's a littler heftier cart. Also notice the laundry hanging from the window. This too was a common sight!
The day after the wedding, Sarah & John arranged a quick sight-seeing tour of the pyramids & such. We found that many of the sight-seeing places housed vendors like these. It wouldn't surprise me if that was his little hut next to his goods. They often did.
This one was at the outdoor museum on our way to Memphis. This was a small sphinx.
We are on our way to the pyramids. You can see them from the city.
Here, one of the natives thought that Scott should dress for the part! That is how they earned a living.
I am standing at the foot of the largest of the pyramids.
Those things are huge! Lots of camels around for people to ride, but we did not. I valued my bones! There were those giving cart rides as well.
Then we headed down to see the Sphinx. Its dwarfed compared to the pyramids.
Afterward, our guide took us to a fancy outdoor restaurant for lunch. We had to ask him for instructions as to how to eat!
This is a citadel that we past several times. We found it intriguing, but John was quick to point out that many people were tortured to death behind those walls.
This is a view of the city of Cairo along the Nile River. Sarah's apartment isn't too far from the Nile. In fact there is a Starbucks going in close to there!
And that was a quick synopsis of our 4 1/2 day trip to Egypt. I hope you enjoy it!


Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

LOVED the pics.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Deb, I look forward to new posting on your blog all the time. It is a special blessing each time. God Bless you friend. Love Sally-Merry Christmas to you and yours too!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you got to see part of Ciaro and the pryamids while you were there. it all seems sooooo different. I hope someday to travel.