on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sarah's Egypt wedding

Weddings Egyptian style are quite different than the US weddings. But Sarah Americanized her own & it was beautiful! The photographer, hairdresser, & the friend who did her makeup all arrived around noon on Friday the 14th. It was fun watching as Liz put up her hair & Melinda doing her face!

They did a beautiful job transforming her into a gorgeous bride ready to go down the aisle!

She was nervous going down the aisle, but her dad was her steady hand. The church was absolutely beautiful! 400 plus came to the wedding! No wonder she was nervous! But she arrived in John's arms just fine.

They had several dear friends speak, one of Sarah's students sang a solo, & John's worship team lead in worship. It was a very moving ceremony.

In Egypt, the bride & groom sit thru the ceremony facing the congregation. Most weddings in Egypt do not usually have a reception. They just leave for the honeymoon.


Nicky said...

Everything looks beautiful. Sarah looks amazing. Cangradulations. Can't wait until the one here.

Anonymous said...

I was so surprised to see her look so american in her dress- she looked beautiful! -a preview of things to come on the 29th. that ceremony looked so nice- Scott looked so proud!!!- vicki