on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Monday, December 17, 2007

We're Back!

It's good to be home!!! But I am sitting in my living room waiting patiently for our suitcases to be returned. JFK airport was nuts last night because of a snow storm going through the north. Many flights cancelled & many delays. I watched while sitting on our plane as they took our luggage off the plane & headed back in to the airport! Sarah lost one of hers as well. So here I sit. All in all, God was good to us in many ways. When I get a chance to sort it all out. I will post once again.


Anonymous said...

Thank God for your safe return! I was just thinking about your lost baggage. I know there are things in those bags you need, but consider the spiritual baggage we carry around with us that we don't need. In those storms of life, God brings us to our destination and somewhere along the road we find we have lost the unnecessary baggage. Praise God for storms to help us get rid of things we don't need! Glad you are back!

Debbie said...


It's thru these storms that we realize baggage that we didn't know that we had! Thank God for the shaking!!!

Anonymous said...

I know everything was just beautiful and can't wait to see all the pictures and everything. Did you say you lost your luggage? Do you have it back yet? Well can't wait for the wedding here, TTFN!
