on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thursday - Driving Around

Since it was raining, my sister took us on a drive ar
ound to see the different homes in Louisville.
Some are quite big!
And their communities have small lakes and golf courses attached.

Now there was a new community that was a town unto itself called Norton Commons. It was a quaint place with some of the homes that looked like you would find at the beach.

They had homes of various sizes, as well as apartments to live in. The yards were very well kept, some of the streets were lined in beautiful flowers.

We walked all over the place there. I loved their town square with apartments above the shops and small outdoor cafes.

The next community had a charm of it's own.


Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Oooo what a pretty drive!

Anonymous said...

Im glad you enjoyed norton commons. it is one of my favorite places to go and look at neat architechture. It does have that beachy feeling there. that day was fun. -vicki