on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Saturday - Downtown Louisville

Later that day, we headed in to town to walk along the river. We checked out the park.

Then we headed down to check out the Belle of Louisville and of course there were some rods parked there.

Then we drove around the town for a bit.

On our way back to Vicki's, we stopped at Cherokee Park. It had a pretty little stream meandering through it. The boys & Annalise had a good time splashing their feet around in it. Scott said that when he was a little boy, he used to come to this park.

The next stop on the way back to Vicki's was Scott's old homestead and the elementary school he went to.

The school is now a municipal building or a library, I can't remember which. We had a full day & were glad to get back & fix dinner & hit the sack. Tomorrow we head home.


Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Downtown Louisville is beautiful. I always enjoyed visiting there. How nice for Uncle Scott to get to visit places he used to go.

Anonymous said...

the waterfront is so nice-I will miss it. it was nice to see the area around cherokee park. I never knew that the creek was there. thanks for showing it to me.-It was a great visit! Loved having you guys there!-vicki