on the path of God's leading in pursuit of His glory

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Louisville, Kentucky

At the beginning of the month, we made what probably will be our last visit to my sister's place in Louisville. She & the girls will be moving soon to Kansas City to be with her husband. On our way there, we kept seeing rods going by. My sister explained that the National Antique Car Show was happening there in town that same weekend. So they were heading to the same place that we were!

Everywhere we went they were there!

Entering Kentucky

I love this water tower that we passed...

We finally came to the Tiley home.

My sister, Vicki, talking to Scott in her kitchen.

Here's her youngest, Annalise, watching TV in Vicki's bedroom.

Here she is peeking over their banaster.

Dan & Aaron are enjoying a show with their
cousin, Brianna, in their basement.

They enjoyed plenty of pool time. This Dan diving.

I will show our adventures in segments because we saw a lot while we were there. So make sure you scroll all the way down to see all the pictures.


Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Lee and I laughed at that sign too.

Anonymous said...

that sign is a landmark! It was fun having ya'll here!!! -vicki